Governance and Organization
Church Governance
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia is a self-governing, democratic congregation of Members that are governed by congregational Bylaws. The Congregation gathers for its annual meeting each year in late Spring.
The main issues of governance are reserved for the Congregation including approving church Bylaws, electing the Board of Trustees, adopting the Church budget, and the call of a Minister. The Congregation also elects members to serve on its committees:
Committee Chairs Responsibilities
Subcommittees Approved by the Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees, our elected leaders, represents the Congregation and conducts its business, subject to the authority granted under its Bylaws. The Board governs through Board policies and acts on behalf of the Congregation’s Mission. A policy–making Board, through planning, responsible management of resources, adopting policies, establishing committee expectations and monitoring performance, governs the UUCC.
Descriptions of the Board Positions:
Past President
- UUCC Policy Manual
- Policy on Policies
- Policy on Share-the-Plate
- Policy on UUCC newsletter
- Policy on church-sponsored events
- Policy on fundraisers
- Policy on donations non-monetary in kind
- Financial policies and procedures manual
- Safe congregation policies and procedures, includes disruptive behavior
- Safety policies and procedures for children and youth served
- Policy on the use of the social hall tv