Membership is open to those 18 years of age or older. Membership involves sharing your philosophy, listening to the perspectives of others and building a supportive community together. Membership means making a commitment to this Congregation and agreeing to be in a relationship of giving and receiving. Membership offers a place to join in with others to do good works in the larger community. Membership results in lifelong learning, connections and friendships.

How do I become a member?

  • Attend worship services and congregational events and activities for a period of time.
  • Participate in Newcomer Orientation sessions to learn more about our church and our denomination.
  • Meet one-on-one with the Minister.
  • Meet with the Director of Religious Education (as applicable)
  • When you feel ready to join, speak to a member of the Membership Committee and you will be given information about signing the Membership Book and being recognized in a New Member Sunday ceremony
  • Make an initial pledge of financial support

What are the responsibilities of membership?

 Each member contributes to the life of the Congregation in many important ways. Since our community is self-supporting, we rely on the time, talent and gifts of our members.

  • Making a regular donation toward fulfilling ones financial pledge is essential. Congregational policy requires an annual recorded contribution in order to maintain the rights of membership.
  • By joining, a member is committing to help with the work of the congregation in its committees and events—participating as fully as their personal circumstances allow.
  • Members are expected to participate in congregational polity by attending meetings and being informed about issues involving the congregation. 

What are the rights of a member?

  • The UUCC is a democratic organization and every member gets a say in issues that matter to them.
  • Members annually vote on incoming leaders and on the operational budget.
  • Members are eligible to serve in a wide range of leadership positions such as the Board of Trustees, Standing Committee Chairs and in a few cases, the committee themselves (such as Finance, Leadership Development, Membership, and Personnel)

What is the difference between a Member and a Friend of UUCC?

While membership is not required to participate in congregational life, attend events and classes, and serve on non-elected committees, it is encouraged. Only members may vote on matters that come before the congregation and only members may chair committees, serve on some committees, or serve on the Board of Trustees.

We would love to talk more with you about becoming a member. Please reach out to us at We look forward to talking with you.