UUCC Women's Lunch

UUCC Women’s Lunch

The UUCC Women's Lunch will be held at noon on The UUCC Women's Lunch will be held at noon on , April 18 in the Social Hall. Please bring food or drink to share and let Joan Watterson (joan.l.watterson@icloud.com or 803-381-7208) know that you are coming, so that we have an idea of how many people to set up for. Also let us know if you would like a ride or are able to help clean up. Please bring food or drink to share and let Joan Watterson (joan.l.watterson@icloud.com or 803-381-7208) know that you are coming, so that we have an idea of the proper set up. Also let us know if you would like a ride or are able to help clean up.