UUCC Board of Trustees

Summary of July 16, 2014 Meeting

The Board of Trustees met July 16 from 6:39 to 9:00 PM.  Regina Moody chaired the meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

The end of year report has not been finalized but should be ready in 7-10 days when it will be circulated to all board members.

Board Transitions and Internal Issues

Board members signed confidentiality statements.

Sandy Chubon agreed to serve as a member of the Leadership Development Committee for the 2014-15 year.

Dot Brown volunteered to serve as the liaison to the Adult Religious Education Committee.

Regina distributed the list of committee chairs, leaders of program groups and of congregational services.

Policy on Policies

This policy, approved last month, was presented with an amendment to ensure that policies to be considered by the Board will be e-mailed to each board member at least one week before their monthly meeting.  This will ensure that Board members have sufficient time to read and consider the policy before discussing or voting on it.  The amendment was approved.

Definition of Membership in UUCC

Dot Brown and Patty Drews have developed some criteria they would like to require members to meet.  They, along with members of the Membership and Finance Committees, have been charged to suggest a re-write of the parts of Section 5 in the UUCC Bylaws dealing with membership.  Tim VanDenBerg agreed to collaborate on that task.

Membership Committee

Patty Drews reported that the Membership Committee wants to require that all members of their committee be members of the UUCC.  That will require a bylaws change.

Submitted by

Sandy Chubon, Secretary