Denominational Connections
What Does the Denominational Connections Committee Do?
The UUCC Denominational Connections Committee (DC) provides a liaison between our congregation and the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association). The goal of this committee is to inform and engage the UUCC about denominational initiatives, resources, and services of the UUA as well as our Southern Region.
What Are the Proposed Changes to Article II of the UUA By-laws?
Article II states the purpose of the UUA and UU principles, sources of our faith as well as freedom of belief and inclusion statements. Here is a comparison document showing the proposed as compared to the current Article II (A2SC Comparison w Current Bylaws – as Amended GA2023).
Why is this important to UUCC?
Article II defines the essence of Unitarian Universalism, as well as the purposes of the UUA. It is critical that discussions of this revision begin soon because there is a timeline for voting Article II Timeline 2023-09-01
Why are the proposed changes controversial and how can you learn more?
Join the Denominational Connections Committee. (Contact DenomConn@uucolumbia.
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