Committee Chair: Linda Brennison and Pat Mohr, Co-Chairs

                                    1st _X_   2nd ___ 3rd ___   Check year of term


Committee Members: Mary Maclachlan, Nancie Shillington-Perez, Don Cooper, Laura Hartwig, Keitha Whitaker, David Bryan, Karen Brown, and Christine Seel .


Major accomplishments this year: The Membership Committee was without a Chair for the first few months of the fiscal year. We are grateful to the former chair, Nancie Shillington-Perez who filled in as much as possible. In January, Linda Brennison and Pat Mohr volunteered to be Co-Chairs until the end of the fiscal year, June 30. Keitha Whitaker will be appointed as the new Chair in July.  Attendance was followed at Zoom Meetings by means of a spreadsheet for several months. Zoom attendance at Sunday services was determined to be about the same as in person attendance prior to the pandemic. The Membership Committee Greeters continued greeting members as much as possible at our Zoom services. Attendance taking was stopped but visitors were continued to be tracked by Laura Hartwig.  Visitors are tracked for a few weeks and are given the opportunity to receive the Unigram and Eblasts. Email and contact information for the visitors is retained. The Membership Committee conducted two Visitor Orientation sessions on Zoom, and the Membership Committee hopes to invite all visitors who attended during Covid to an in person Service when UUCC opens. Also, as soon as possible after opening for in person services, the MC will hold a new member reception and joining ceremony. The Membership Committee in collaboration with Rev. Robinson will hold two New to UU sessions on Zoom.  The Co-Chairs will perform a review of the membership roles by the end of the fiscal year.


  • Please briefly describe any factors that facilitated or impeded your work this year. The Pandemic greatly impeded our outreach.


  • Any special initiatives continuing into the next program year. 

  • Future dreams or long-range plans for the committee.

  • Constraints on accomplishing these plans.


Respectfully submitted: Linda Brennison and Pat Mohr, CoChairs