Committee Chair: Keitha Whitaker

                                    1st __   2nd ___ 3rd _X__   Check year of term

Committee Members: Anne Mellen and Keitha Whitaker


  • Major accomplishments this year.
    • Maintained and updated information on UUCC website.
    • Regularly wrote articles for the Unigram.
    • Encouraged Adult RE to facilitate Common Read.


  • Please briefly describe any factors that facilitated or impeded your work this year.
    • An easy to navigate website facilitated the work.


  • Any special initiatives continuing into the next program year.
    • Need to find a new Chair (or extend current term if no one steps up).


  • Future dreams or long-range plans for the committee
    • Hope we can return to our building sometime in 2021
    • Recruit more members so that we can offer courses
    • Encourage more participation in Regional, cluster, and state meetings and events.
    • Encourage more Folks to attend General Assembly.


  • Constraints on accomplishing these plans.



Respectfully submitted,


Keitha Whitaker

Chair, Denominational Connections
