A new draft of  the UUA Bylaws with major changes to our 7 Principles will be discussed at the Zoom sessions listed below. (Please read the draft and then attend one of the sessions. Full Draft of Article II: https://www.uua.org/…/article2_draft_language_102022.pdf ,
Following is the announcement by the Article II Study Commission:
The II Study Commission is excited to share a full draft of Article II for feedback. The Study Commission’s outreach team will be hosting Zoom feedback sessions in the first half of November, along with gathering feedback through a forthcoming online form for individual comments.
The Study Commission will present its final draft to the Board in January for inclusion on the agenda for General Assembly 2023. It will then be the subject of mini-Assemblies before the initial vote at GA 2023. If it passes that delegate vote by a majority, it will require a 2/3 majority vote at GA 2024 to become the new Article II of the Bylaws.
This draft makes significant changes to Article II.
It will be ideal if you can hold suggestions until the online form is available so that they can be more easily gathered and read. But do feel free to direct questions to changemanager@uua.org
Zoom Feedback Session Registration
Saturday, 11/05 at 3 p.m. Eastern –
Linda Brennison
Pat Mohr
Co Chairs, Denominational Connections