Committee Chairs: _Patty Drews and Nancie Shillington-Perez__

                                    1st __   2nd _X__ 3rd ___   Check year of term

Committee Members: 

David Bryant, Patty Drews, Pat Mohr, Regina Moody, Nancie Shillington-Pérez, 


Major accomplishments this year:
Identifying quality candidates to fill Board seats (President-elect, Treasurer, and three (3) At large Trustees) and fill vacancies on major committees CYRE, LDC, Finance, Endowment, Personnel, Publicity, Security Grant Implementation, and Worship.

Submitted request to Board to decrease the number of At Large Trustees from five to four and make the past-president a voting member.

  • Please briefly describe any factors that facilitated or impeded your work this year.

While many members expressed appreciation for being asked, the number who were willing to accept the offers was small. It was challenging to fill the positions.

  • Any special initiatives continuing into the next program year.
  • Future dreams or long-range plans for the committee.

Need to strongly consider hosting a “UUCC 101”/ leadership training opportunity to promote the work and organization of the UUCC, inform members of how we  get our work done, and use the experience to identify future leaders to serve in a variety of roles.

  • Constraints on accomplishing these plans.

Numbers of members willing to serve and participate in this manner.

We need funds earmarked for such in-house training, as well as training for officers to attend UUA training opportunities.

Respectfully submitted: _Patty and Nancie