Policy on the Use of the Social Hall TV
A Policy on the access to and operation of the TV mounted in the UUCC Social Hall to assure its proper usage, handling, and scheduling.
The TV mounted in the Social Hall is a 65” Visio with a remote control.
Individuals with vested interest: Staff, IT, Building and Grounds Committee, and all UUCC Committees, or Program Group.
The Building and Grounds Committee sets forth the following guidelines for the use of the Social Hall mounted TV.
- The TV is located on the social hall wall as a semi-permanent installation and can only be moved for a special program to a table mount in the sanctuary upon approval of the Building and Grounds Committee. It is not to be moved to any other location in the building.
- The remote-control device will have a password that will be available only to designated people. It will always remain in the assigned placement on the wall except during use for a viewing.
- All TV use must be scheduled by checking on the availability of the Social Hall and scheduling through the Administrator. Use of the TV may be included with the use of the Social Hall and will show on the website calendar.
- When scheduling, the committee chair or program director will include the name of the program to be televised and will be responsible for the material televised.
- The Technology Services Committee Chair will be advised of any special connections needed for the viewing. Operation of the television is the responsibility of the person reserving the television. Consultation with the IT Committee is recommended if assistance will be needed.
Submitted by: Building and Grounds Committee, Linda McLeod, Chair
Date submitted: June 7, 2021