Topic: Justice

Come, Build a Land

While today is Father’s Day, we will be honoring fathers a bit differently by asking what kind of world we want for fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers. The UU hymn “We’ll Build a Land” captures the longing we have to live in a more just world where we all, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers create … Continue reading Come, Build a Land

An Undeclared War

While our UU denomination focuses on racism, homophobia, and transphobia and the Right Wing foments a culture war and attacks our democracy, a war is occurring right underneath our noses which hardly anyone is talking about. On July 23, we will. Here’s a clue: you can’t achieve racial, gender, or civil justice without economic justice.

Transformative Justice

What does a paradigm shift towards Transformation Justice mean in our world and in your personal life? Come dive into this question and explore the radical ways that TJ reimagines shame with us.