Topic: Racial Justice

Justice for All: South Carolina and the American Civil Rights Movement.

Professor Bobby Donaldson, the Executive Director of the Center for Civil Rights History and Research and an Associate Professor of History at the University of South Carolina, will give a talk that explains the Center’s mission and vision and share stories highlighted in the Center’s signature exhibit, Justice for All. He will speak specifically about … Continue reading Justice for All: South Carolina and the American Civil Rights Movement.

MLK. 30 days of love.

IMPORTANT NOTE  We shall not be meeting in person for this service.  This will be a virtual service only via Zoom.  See the News tab/Meeting Info for the link.  Email for access information.

Face to Face About Race

We all seem to agree that this country has a race problem. Will we ever figure out why and what to do about it? This is a conversation between two white people who grew up in South Carolina and their personal history and experiences.

God is Change

The Prescience of Octavia Butler. In this talk he will discuss how African-American science fiction writer and Afrofuturist Octavia Butler provided prescient insights about the political social and economic conflicts we are currently experiencing in the United States and in the global community.

Love Opens Our Arms

As we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend, this kicks off the “Side with Love” campaign for us here at the UUCC.  Thirty Days of Love is our annual celebration that runs approximately from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in January through Valentine’s Day in February. It is an opportunity to lift up the ways Unitarian … Continue reading Love Opens Our Arms