Annual Report for Committees, 2019-2020

Committee Name: Worship

Committee Chair: Marc Drews

                                    1st __   2nd ___ 3rd _x_   Check year of term

Committee Members:

  • During 2020, membership included: Peck Drennan, Rebecca Drennan, Marc Drews, Anna Hamilton, Richard McLeod, Pat Mohr, Connie Quirk, Stephen Robinson, Scott Sargent. Larry Siegel, John Starino, Judy Turnipseed, and the late Tom Turnipseed. Meetings were held in person or online at varied times on or near the first Wednesday of each month.


  • Major accomplishments this year. Providing inspiring and memorable services throughout the year (with only one, March 15, needing to be cancelled). Our minister, Rev. Stephen Robinson, was in the pulpit for 29 of the 49 services (~60%) through May 31, with the other services included the words and wisdom from:
  • Guest ministers- Rev. Candace Chellew, Rev. Neal Jones, Rev. Julianna Lepp, Rev. Elizabeth Reed, Rev. Andy Reese and Michelle Robinson
  • Members (including former and family members) Sara Barr, Rebecca Drennan, Marc Drews, Peter Kandis, Jessica Kross, Jane Lawther, Morgan Maclachlan, Kevin McKinney, Richard McLeod, and John Starino
  • Community Advocates—Josh Costner and Lulu Torres
  • Multigenerational services led and supported by Scott Sargent and Mckenzie Scott—Water Communion, Cornbread, Christmas Pageant, Flower Communion, and our Annual Bridging Ceremony

Beginning in mid-March, we artfully shifted our attention to supporting the minister and hosting guest speakers to choreographing services using Zoom. While the sermons have all been special and evoking hope, the music has been incredibly uplifting and moving, incorporating a wide range of musical genres and musical groups (Adult Choir, Encore, Prism, Children’s Choir. We have had about 84 devices join us weekly and the opportunity to connect has been the highlight of the week for many of our members. Prior to the closing of the building, the weekly attendance joining our services was 135 children, teens, and adults.


Music continues to be a vital part of the worship experience at the UUCC. The 2019-2020 year saw continued participation of UUCC Choirs: Adult Choir (led by Anna Hamilton), Prism (Women’s Choir led by Anna Hamilton), Encore (Men’s Choir led by Kevin McKinney and Richard McLeod), and Youth Choir (led by Olivia Johnson and Celeste Wiest). Many talented UUCC member and friend musicians have shared their music in services as vocalists, instrumentalists, and song-writer/composers. With the shift to virtual services in March 2020, new ways of incorporating music in the worship service have been explored, including creative use of video and audio recordings, and live performance. As of May 2020, virtual choir rehearsals have resumed under the direction of Music Coordinator, Anna Hamilton, who is looking forward to expanding the range of musical opportunities for collaboration and inclusion of UUCC Musicians in upcoming worship services.


  • Please briefly describe any factors that facilitated or impeded your work this year. We had this pandemic interrupt our lives a little, but with our UUCC great and steadfast determination, we pushed through and made things happen. Our effectiveness was enhanced by a part-time minister who gave extra of his time to help the planning. Our work was impeded by the necessity to modify our services because of Covid-19.


  • Any special initiatives continuing into the next program year. Because we are limited by knowledge of the future of Covid-19, we continue to present services each Sunday using Zoom technology, and will continue of refine services presented in this manner, encouraging members to attend We will coordinate with the DRE and  his staff to include the youth. A recurring theme will be about how we relate our needs at UUCC to the sequestering practices required by the virus pandemic. We will present a variety of services based on seasonal themes that meet the needs of the congregation and address UU principles.


  • Future dreams or long-range plans for the committee We look forward to the next phase of our return to the sanctuary and continuing to provide services that inspire, make us think, and call us to action. One feature of our return will be an improved sound system installed by the Building and Grounds committee to enhance the quality of the worship service.


  • Constraints on accomplishing these plans. Closing the building and the necessary sequestering of members and friends because of the unpredictability of Covid-19 will cause a strain on quality of our committee’s work.